<img src="https://auzziejay.com/music/erlking1000albumart.png" alt="fitz" style="width:80%" class="center">
The Erlking is a collaboration between Auzzie Jay and Robert Fitzroy.
The Erlking pays homage to Schubert’s original composition “Der Erlkönig” by utilizing the compositions musical themes throughout.
The Erlking is a mythical specter that takes the souls of the living. In many incarnations of the Erlking he takes the souls of children who wander in the woods too long.
Fitz is a novel/podcast that Robert Fitzroy is writing at robertfitzroy.com about a similar creature that lures children into the woods.
Auzzie Jay is a musician on Neocities and is an advocate for the small personal web.
The artwork is done by the amazing Bueller's Garden.
(link: "Read FITZ by Robert Fitzroy")+(button:)[(goto-url: "https://robertfitzroy.com/")]
(link: "Go to Auzzie Jay's site")+(button:)[(goto-url: "https://auzziejay.com")]
(link: "Check out Bueller's Garden")+(button:)[(goto-url: "https://instagram.com/buellersgarden")]
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