Where Am I?

The World Wide Web

I'm Auzzie Jay.

Your favorite agnostic vegan marxist webmaster that dabbles in songwriting, wordsmithing and philosophy.

This website is not optimized for anything. It's here to exist. Just like we are meant to be.

Existing in all of our messy, unkempt humanity.

The Hanged Man

Who Are You?


The easy answer? I'm a nostalgic sucker who grew up making websites and I turned that hobby into a career. The long answer? I'm an agnostic vegan socialist that dabbles in acting, singing, music production, poetry and writing fiction and love reading political philosophy. I received my Bachelor's in Political Science because I thought I could make a difference in the world with it. I like making things outside of myself to make others happy. My life's goal is to increase the overall amount of happiness in the world- for all creatures.

What's the point?

think think think

The internet is for everyone. I try to avoid social media like the plague, but if you do want to follow me on social media you can always check out my social page. It's like a linktree landing page, so it's not as fun as most of my pages will be.

So without an algorithm to serve my content to you, it's just here. I'm just going to be updating this page with anything I can- without worrying about the implications. Almost like a schnazzy diary or a scrapbook.

If you want to help other people find me on the web please consider adding my site badge to your site!

Click here if you want to see my list of rad people with personal websites!